Monday, November 8, 2010


1. Technology & The End + Preventive measures
2. Diseases & Tech Shababes Protecting the world from spreading knowledge & hope
3. Technology & Art
4. Technology & Women

Interesting Ideas
IT leading us to our death
Technology has always been thought to benefit Mankind, be it in terms of convenience or efficiency or simply leisure. It indeed a refreshing AND MORBID idea that technology, instead of bring a greater good, would actually lead us directly to our DEATH O.o

This was also a rather good wake up call... in the sense that I am reminded of how an over reliance on technology would indeed be rather dangerous >< These dangers are clearly portrayed even in today's context. Just look at the amount of monetary loss to a bank when it's online banking system crashes... Look at the amount of inconvenience caused and productivity loss when a public transport (technology in transport) breaks down. Or simple... think of the number of SMU students who are at their wits when the school email system crashed O.o

Obviously, even in today's context, there is already a clear trend of technology's users being heavily dependent and reliant on their gadgets and tools ><

Nonetheless, I believe that as long as the users understand and notice their over reliance on technology, they would be sane and practical enough to come up with contingency plans... JUST IN CASE their systems crash ><

Women are seen as IT noobs
I definitely, with ALL MY HEART, do NOT agree with this statement.

I am really quite a techie person... I love my laptop, I love my music player and I am TOTALLY IN LOVE with Mac.

I do not believe there is any unsolvable problem as long as I am in contact with Mr Google. So far, any problems which I encountered during the use of my gadgets has been dutifully and well answered by Mr Google. Simply by reading through forums and following the recommended steps properly, I have been able to solve my techie problems smoothly (SO FAR).

I also do not think that women are less competent in fixing their own electronic stuff... plugging cables into the correct holes behind televisions and setting up the wireless network at home... all these are simple instructional issues. I think the bigger issue is whether women view themselves as incompetent in these areas and hence rely on their male counterparts to help them, and not whether they have the mental capability to perform these tasks.

This would be especially true in today's modern context whereby information is so readily available. If a women wants to learn more about something, there is simply no reason to say that she does not know how to do so since she can always pick up the knowledge form somewhere.

Key Observations 
1. Today is the end of TWC ><

2. Being contented with the knowledge learnt is the end of a journey. The application of the knowledge learnt is the new beginning...

Great learning during these few weeks :)

I really hope all the knowledge I have learnt can be put into good use in the near future!!!

Thanks Prof and TA :D

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