Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eight in an Egg

Brief Overview/Summary
Energy and World Change is the topic of the day! 

We discussed the various sources of energy and how new discoveries and innovation of new technologies help to reap benefits to Mankind.

Interesting Observations and Ideas
OMG the video on new habits and new technology to save the earth is SOOOO cute haha...

One of the more interesting ideas that was brought out during the discussion is the potential energy which can be reaped from the Sun! It is indeed true that the Sun is a powerful source of energy which has yet to be fully tapped on. I believe there is still much potential in solar energy and with the increasing pace of innovation and change in today's world, it is not surprising at all that we will be using the Sun's energy efficiently and effectively in time to come. 

Another very interesting point which was brought up is the benefits behind the transition to fossi fuels. It has been an old discussion (for the longest time) that Mankind's exploitation of fossil fuels has brought about very detrimental effects to Mother Earth. 

That was what I thought so to... that despite all the factual benefits (e.g. powering of cars, industries and machines), the damage which the burning of fossil fuels created (e.g. global warming) outweighs the benefits it brought about. 

Well... if Mother Earth is going to die (i.e. Mankind will die too) from the detrimental effects of burning fossil fuels, I don't see how the progress and monetary benefits fossil fuels bring about is of any significance. 

Key Takeaways
If it is possible, Singapore should follow the footsteps of Germany. I find Germany's aim in doing its part in the conservation of environment very admirable. If more countries can place environmental conservation on a higher priority on their to-do-list, I believe global warming can be alleviated to a better extent.

Cash incentives WORKS! 
As can be seen from the National Renewable Energy Act... Too bad Spore is such a small country, otherwise the implementation of this Act will definitely attract large number of people (those who want to earn an extra income). Perhaps this model can be better advocated in other countries (E.g China!)

Issues for Further Discussion
I think more air time should be given to Patrick's topic on Co2. That idea was really fascinating! Although the mechanics seems very complex... I supposed the discuss on this topic would bring greater understanding regarding the possibility of such a technology!

Personal Ratings
8/10! It was a rather fruitful session :)

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