Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Brief Overview/Summary
ICT and World Change!

Addressed Wireless Connections, Cloud Computing (O.o SOOO AMAZING), Interactive Telecommunications etc :D

Interesting Observations and Ideas (that captured your attention)
Without input from individuals, there is no FB, no wikipedia and no youtube. It is interesting how ICT is actually a 2-way traffic! Without ICT, we don't have the access to so much information... but similarly, without us... ICT would be of no use too!

Intellectual User Interface
This is really really cool!!!! Especially the video that was showed right at the start (The one about MILO)... i am really blown away by all the possibilities we can achieve by merely using technology to its fullest potential!

Key Takeaways (the 2 or 3 key messages that you intend to keep in mind going forward)
1. There are SO FEW skills that we need ACTUAL human interaction to teach us. In the near future, it is possible to learn almost everything from a computer with Internet access.

2. Technology may or may not cause a drop in quality of human contact. Technology may be able to enhance and enrich the human contact.

Issues for Further Discussion
Intellectual User Interface! 
It was the last topic to be discussed about, hence the limited air time ><

Personal Ratings
8.5! It was a really interesting and fruitful session :D

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