Thursday, September 30, 2010

Seven Seven Eleven :P

Brief Overview/Summary 
Environmental and Industrial BioBusiness

Interesting Observations and Ideas 
How human is actually the cause of the disappearance of 200 species a day ... Does that really mean we are a bane to Mother Earth? It is true that we should question what gives us the right to do harm to other species and the environment. It is simply because of the fact that we're at the food of the food chain, hence we are given the power to 'dictate' the world? I agree with Prof that it is indeed a great embarrassment when we view human race as one which is only doing harm and no good to Mother Earth and what ever good we're doing is to simply offset the harm that we have caused.

Another interesting point is the MEANING behind colours!
Blue = Marine
White = Industrial
Red = Biomedical
Green = Environment

The many videos which we watched were all rather interesting and very informative! Especially the first video which mentioned that the ultimate aim of using biotechnology us to increase productivity, increase nutritional values, improve socioeconomic needs, decrease environmental footprint. 

Advocacy for FOOD FEED FUEL FIBRE!!!

Key Takeaways 
1. GM vs Organic... Are they really mutually exclusive?
2. Genetic modification can affect religious issues

Issues for Further Discussion
I wish more airtime could be given to discuss what are the BANES of biotechnology. It seems that there are a lot of discussions about what good biotechnology has brought about... but what about the banes?

Personal Ratings

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

SEXY SIX when im SICK :(

Brief Overview/Summary 
Topic of the day would be BioBusiness Revolution: Healthcare & Biomedical Sciences. 

The focus was the past, present and future.

Im can't attend class today because I was feeling unwell :(

According to Kevin, the best way to write my blog is to read the slides, readings and ask my friends! 


Interesting Observations and Ideas
It's a rising trend that BioBusiness is getting more and more popular simply because of the number of impossibilities which it can make possible.

I myself always find BioBusiness interesting, especially since I was a Biology student and learnt a bit about the mechanism behind the whole Biological system. 

It is really amazing how human, when pressed to the limits of technology (which is normally related to mechanics and computer) would turn to Biology! Something which... few would have thought about when the word "technology" is mentioned a few decades ago....

Key Takeaways
1. BioBusiness brought about Healthcare Revolution which has its banes and BOONs. 
2. Health-IT... SO INTERESTING!!!! 

Issues for Further Discussion 
Although i was not present, I would have wished to be involved in a discussion regarding Bio-IT and Computational Biology. 

- Personal Ratings
< 5 stars coz i am absent :(

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Brief Overview/Summary
ICT and World Change!

Addressed Wireless Connections, Cloud Computing (O.o SOOO AMAZING), Interactive Telecommunications etc :D

Interesting Observations and Ideas (that captured your attention)
Without input from individuals, there is no FB, no wikipedia and no youtube. It is interesting how ICT is actually a 2-way traffic! Without ICT, we don't have the access to so much information... but similarly, without us... ICT would be of no use too!

Intellectual User Interface
This is really really cool!!!! Especially the video that was showed right at the start (The one about MILO)... i am really blown away by all the possibilities we can achieve by merely using technology to its fullest potential!

Key Takeaways (the 2 or 3 key messages that you intend to keep in mind going forward)
1. There are SO FEW skills that we need ACTUAL human interaction to teach us. In the near future, it is possible to learn almost everything from a computer with Internet access.

2. Technology may or may not cause a drop in quality of human contact. Technology may be able to enhance and enrich the human contact.

Issues for Further Discussion
Intellectual User Interface! 
It was the last topic to be discussed about, hence the limited air time ><

Personal Ratings
8.5! It was a really interesting and fruitful session :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Brief Overview/Summary
First session was focused on Drivers of World Change.

We touched on drivers such as germs, globalisation and demographics. We discussed the various ways how those drivers can cause a revolutionary change and what are some examples of those changes. Lastly, with regard to those changes, what are the implications.

Second half of the class was focused on Change Management and Change Leader.

We have always made a distinction between management and leadership and the discussions on this topic helped us to further differentiate between the 2 practises.

Interesting Observations and Ideas
One of my most interesting observations would be seeing GERMS as a driver of world change both frightening and mind opening. Uhhh personally I have never seen GERMS as something that can cause a positive change since... most of the time people suffer because of it. The explanation about how people's mindsets and beliefs can change because of germs is simply mind blowing O.o

Key Takeaways
1. IF THE TREE BRANCH IS TOO RIGID TO CHANGE, IT WILL BREAK! (this is such an awesome analogy!)

Issues for Further Discussion
I would wish for more air time to be given to the topic about giving ownership to people regarding new ideas. I think this is a very useful skill and important knowledge that everybody should grasp well!

Personal Ratings 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Brief Overview
Having people keep to the time limit really allowed more discussion time in class which was a great change in my opinion :D

We talked about the industrial/production system changing from a liner to a cyclical one and how the entire economy is moving towards a new frontier.

Interesting Observations
Prof Shahi "Opportunities are created in times of crisis (危机)"
This is such an intriguing point!!!! I totally agree that times of urgent crisis bring out the best (sometimes worst) in people. 

I was taught a similar analogy about women "Women are like teabags. You won't know how strong they are until you soak them in hot water". 

Looking at today's context, such a situation applies too >< It is only when we realise that we're running out of all sorts of resources and feeling the impact of environmental degradation (global warming) THEN we start to panic and find solutions to correct them!

It is true that prevention is better than cure. But frankly, which sad emo dude would start to think about all the possible 'go-wrong' cases in every situation everyday and try to prevent them?! 

So the best way is still to make the best out of the opportunities that arise in times of crisis!

Key Takeaways:
1. 3 types of opportunities (Valley, Summit, Cloud)
2. By Tom Peters: Life is pretty simple, you do some stuff, most fail. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is doing something else.

Issues for Further Discussion:
1.  The 3 types of opportunities (too few airtime for it ><)
2. Cyclical industrial models (some examples)

Personal rating: