Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's the 2nd time :D

It was a great discussion once again :)
On the topics of
(a) Technology, Society and Global Dominance
(b) Technology and Human Development

 A quick round of question and answers around the room revealed to the floor who are the various leaders in the different industries. With Microsoft and Apple owning the computer software arena, Google 'bulldozing' the Internet Browsers industry etc etc.

Next up were the intriguing discussions about the readings (will discuss the INTRIGUING PART later!) :D Followed by a presentation by Ellen...

Moving on to technology's impact on human development... what are the various types of development and how would we define development!

3 presenters then wrapped up the day with their presentations and discussions :)

Interesting Ideas
I was really surprise (or rather greatly shocked and totally disturbed) when I read the article about colonialism. It is indeed true, like what Prof Shahi mentioned, that for the LONGEST time, Singaporeans like me held a pretty well impression of our Colonial Masters aka the British… The violent and savage side of the Colonial Masters really opened up my eyes to a whole new horizon…
Besides the shock, another interesting fact, which I learnt was how the very countries which USA and Europe took advantage of to get onto the Globalisation Wave are now catching up, or rather, overtaking them. It’s kinda ironic how the world works and I think it would be very interesting to just simply observe what the global trends would be like in the next few decades J

Key Takeaways
1. Sustainable development is where you choose options today that don’t limit your options tomorrow. (This is a really succinct and sweet quote)

2. There were Millennium Development Goals, which are supposed to make the world a better place for all to live in.
Issues for Future Discussion
- What exactly is the human potential?
- Would we ever know what is the limit of human potential?
- Are we really putting in enough effort to push for sustainable development?

- The discussions were good, but quite slow paced… there’s a lack of excitement or even agitation in the discussions ><

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